Students who are interested in starting classes with us, but have prior training training at different studios must schedule a skills check with an instructor to assess which of our classes would be the best fit.
If we are in the middle of a semester, a private lesson will likely be required in order to get caught up with the class you’ll be joining. Otherwise, you may wait until the start of the following semester, supplementing with drop in friendly classes (Open Gym, Aerial Fitness & Flexibility) in the meantime.
Traveling briefly through town?
If you’re traveling through Flagstaff, and would like to attend an open gym or advanced open training, but not a regular class, you don’t need a skills check.
You will need to email any of the following before attending open gym or advanced open training:
-a recent video of you training a skill on your apparatus
-a recent performance video on your apparatus
-a demo reel of you on your apparatus
-a link to your instagram containing recent videos of you on your apparatus
We will respond within 2-3 business days, and clear you for open gym or not. Momentum Aerial reserves the right to ask you not to attend open gym if your videos show you are unsafe in the skills you’re practicing. Unsafe practices range from being unable to hold poses safely, out-of-control drops, falling to your mat off of your apparatus, getting stuck on your apparatus, or training skills that you do not have the strength to safely complete. We are not willing to take on the liability of someone who cannot keep themselves safe doing aerial.
Below details the difference between open gyms and advanced open trainings.
Open Gym
For any student of aerial beginner through advanced, open gym is a time to train skills you already know. There is an instructor present in the room you may ask questions, and they can help you if you get stuck or equipment.
Students are not allowed to teach other students or teach themselves skills from the Internet. Please see our full Open Gym/Advanced Training Policies here.
Sign up using the link below, and using the filter to find open gym or advanced open training classes once you’ve been cleared by our admin team to train on your own.
Advanced Open Training Time
This training time is for advanced students only. We consider you an advanced aerialist if you:
-have 2-3+ years of aerial experience
-have extensive knowledge of getting unstuck from your apparatus
-can do controlled skills/drops, and can slow lower to the floor
-do not fall off your apparatus or lose strength while you’re up in the air
-do not need help from an instructor to get you unstuck or stop you from falling
There is often not an instructor present in the room, and if there is, they are not available to answer questions. You must have a buddy to attend adv open training so that you are not alone in a classroom. Please reach out if you need help finding a buddy to train with you.
Students are not allowed to teach other students or teach themselves skills from the Internet. Please see our full Open Gym/Advanced Training Policies here.
While you wait for a skills check, or wait to hear back from us to sign up for open gym, please follow the link below to learn about our culture, create an account and sign our online waiver.