Black, Indigenous and People of Color Scholarship
Thank you for applying to be a BIPOC Aerial Scholar at Momentum Aerial. We love sharing the joy of aerial dance with our community. Momentum Aerial supports diversity, equity and inclusion in the aerial arts, and the place to start is at our own school and studio.
The BIPOC Scholarship award is either:
-a $150 scholarship that students can put towards tuition for a 1 class per week semester pass (same class weekly, such as Silks 1a)
-or a $45 scholarship award towards a 10 class punch card for Aerial Fitness and Flexibility classes
The mission of Momentum Aerial is to build a healthy and strong community and cultivate an atmosphere of positivity that inspires people to reach their highest potential through the aerial arts. Funding for the BIPOC Scholarship comes from our existing community and students who wish to fund this program. Additionally, funding is generated by raffle sales at Momentum Aerial performances.
Momentum's BIPOC scholarship is focused on inclusion of Black, Indigenous and People of Color, who have been historically underrepresented and denied opportunities in the aerial arts. To serve the most students, we offer partial scholarships as well as payment plans to BIPOC students.
The application period for Spring 2024 is open until January 13th, but we encourage applications at any point in the semester. Determinations will be emailed out intermittently, and usually within a week of receiving the application. We do not offer refunds if you have already purchased a semester pass. Funding is available on a first come, first serve basis, and each term is limited to the amount of funding available.
Thank you for your application, we will be in touch shortly.
Do you want buddies to go to open gym with outside of your normal classmates? Fill out the form below to be added to our BIPOC aerial community contact list: